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This post describes a very efficient way to digitize large amounts of books. Why is this important? If you are an academic you (1) have amassed a large collection of books and (2) are bounded to relocate more than a few times i
n your life. Moving books is no fun. Plus being able to grep through your books, and read them even if you are away from home (conference, coffee shop, retreat) is really priceless.
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[how to cite this post]
AMA citation:
Quesada J. How to digitize your entire paper book collection. Academic Productivity. 2009. Available at: Accessed September 22, 2011.
APA citation:
Quesada, Jose. (2009). How to digitize your entire paper book collection. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from Academic Productivity Web site:
Chicago citation:
Quesada, Jose. 2009. How to digitize your entire paper book collection. Academic Productivity. (accessed September 22, 2011).
Harvard citation:
Quesada, J 2009, How to digitize your entire paper book collection, Academic Productivity. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from
MLA citation:
Quesada, Jose. "How to digitize your entire paper book collection." 13 Jun. 2009. Academic Productivity. Accessed 22 Sep. 2011.
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