CourseRank: An algorithm that helps students choose the right courses

April 6th, 2010 by jose

I’m not sure how big of a problem selecting classes is for students, and how much it can be automated, but now there’s a tool specifically solving this problem. CourseRank tracks scheduling conflicts, together with some other Interesting features. For example, it gathers course/professor reviews, workload estimations and aggregates questions and answers.

Right now the selection of universities is not that great. It makes sense since the service is specifically tailored to each university, so I can imagine the implementation can take a while.


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One Response to “CourseRank: An algorithm that helps students choose the right courses”

  1. AndrewNo Gravatar Says:

    Hi Jose,

    Thanks for writing about CourseRank!

    Right now, we are at 30 schools but we are scaling up fast so stay tuned.

    Let me know if you have any ideas on how to make CourseRank better.


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