Sharing tiny nuggets of wisdom with twitter: use the #AcaProd hashtag

July 6th, 2009 by jose

We want anyone to be able to contribute to One way to do this is to leave blog posts open (but with a reviewtwitter-logo-large queue). We proposed this method here, but not many people seem to be making use of it.

Maybe writing a blog post is too time consuming, and the barrier of entry is too high. An easy solution is microblogging: services like twitter let you share a tiny bit of something interesting you found (with a link), and anyone following you will receive it.

The thing with microblogging is that it doesn’t take much effort to share. Many people (including me) thought it was silly at first, but now it’s mainstream.

Since twitter provides you can find what people talk about right now. If you want to monitor a special topic, chances are someone came up with a unique way of identify the topic. A spontaneous way of organizing information outside the ‘follows’ structure emerged: the hashtag. These are terms that start with #, example: . We have set up for academicproductivity. If you have an idea, or read something outstanding that you would like to share with us, just tweet about it and add somewhere in the 140 characters. Your tweet then is easily found by anyone interested in the topic. We will display all tweets in our front page too.

I found myself sharing a lot of interesting stuff over twitter, and much more often than through a blog, so I have a good feeling about this.

Of course, you should keep sending ideas/suggestions/complaints using our email,

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you !

3 Responses to “Sharing tiny nuggets of wisdom with twitter: use the #AcaProd hashtag”

  1. ÉmilieNo Gravatar Says:

    Good idea! I’m just starting on Twitter and still trying to find uses for it, but I’m saving this search and I’ll try to contribute!

  2. personal statement sampleNo Gravatar Says:

    “An easy solution is microblogging: services like twitter let you share a tiny bit of something interesting you found (with a link), and anyone following you will receive it.”

    It is amazing how Twitter can be used for sharing information without the need for long blog posts. I came across a lot of interesting websites and blogs because of Twitter.

  3. how to deal with peopleNo Gravatar Says:

    Twitter is definitely a good way to keep up with current events and what people are talking about. However, how do you think this will impact on the gathering of information years from now? How much of the information on Twitter is really necessary?

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