Share your views on Open Access

May 13th, 2010 by dario

Project SOAP (Study of Open Access Publishing) is a two-year project, funded by the European Commission under FP7. The project is currently running a survey to understand the perception of Open Access publishing in the academic/research community. You can participate in the survey by following this link. Participants sharing their email address for further collaboration with the project automatically enter a prize draw for an Apple iPad.

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4 Responses to “Share your views on Open Access”

  1. John HunterNo Gravatar Says:

    Thanks for posting about open access. To me open access is what science is about. Research is suppose to be shared so that other scientists can build on that work. Economically closed journals made sense in an age when the internet didn’t exists. But now we have organizations attempting to hold back the sharing of scientific insight solely for to sustain their outdated business models. This is a very bad thing for science.

    I post about open access on my blog

  2. FrankNo Gravatar Says:

    I am an adept of old views, information should be free and open, so I think that Open Access is just a modified theory of Open Source, let’s hope that this project won’t stop working after 2 years.

  3. C. BokhoveNo Gravatar Says:

    I totally agree with Frank and John.

  4. SophieNo Gravatar Says:

    Same here, although I’m not sure what it means for reviewers. Do you any comments on that?

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