LyX 1.5 out: unicode support and outliner

August 1st, 2007 by jose

From Google grolyx11up. LyX, the WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX is getting better and better (although I don’t use it; once you are familiar with LaTeX, it’s faster to just write code). For those who may not know it, LyX is :

a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. It is released under a Free Software / Open Source license.LyX is for people that write and want their writing to look great, right out of the box. No more endless tinkering with formatting details, ‘finger painting’ font attributes or futzing around with page boundaries. You just write. In the background, Prof. Knuth’s legendary TeX typesetting engine makes you look good. 

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2 Responses to “LyX 1.5 out: unicode support and outliner”

  1. TimothéeNo Gravatar Says:

    “Manual trackback” : here is explained how to modify the script SendToLyx for BibDesk, and a downloadable modified script.

  2. GrantNo Gravatar Says:

    Lyx is pretty great in its capabilities. Unfortunately, it’s user interface is not to the same level and there isn’t a decent way to customize it. It’s not how it looks, although that could definitely be improved, it’s the usability and intuitiveness. Many things are cluttered and littered with a million options. For example, the menu contains three ways to get a PDF! This is excessive, but even if they thought it necessary, it could be designed far better. Have a single item in the menu labeled PDF and then have the three options there. Eliminates clutter. But there are just so many ways the UI could be made more user friendly it’s mindboggling. Fortunately, Lyx is so good and powerful that I put up with all its UI quirks and the fact that it looks out of place on OS X (no Windows, Help menus, no services, etc.). This is still the best tool for me.

    Well, actually there is a HUGE problem for me with LaTex and BibTex (BibDesk is a model of what Lyx’s UI could be while still remaining powerful). MLA support is nonexistent. I really need this and I hate to go back to Word when I need it.

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