altmetrics11: Tracking scholarly impact on the Social Web
February 24th, 2011 by darioKoblenz (Germany), 14-15 June 2011
An ACM Web Science Conference 2011 Workshop
“Evaluating online evidence of research impact”
Call for papers
The increasing quantity and velocity of scientific output is presenting scholars with a deluge of data. There is growing concern that scholarly output may be swamping traditional mechanisms for both pre-publication filtering (e.g peer review) and post-publication impact filtering (e.g. the Journal Impact Factor).
Increasing scholarly use of Web2.0 tools like CiteULike, Mendeley, Twitter, and blog-style article commenting presents an opportunity to create new filters. Metrics based on a diverse set of social sources could yield broader, richer, and more timely assessments of current and potential scholarly impact. Realizing this, many authors have begun to call for investigation of these “altmetrics.” (see